This is the third release of the CNET app and the second version I have worked on. In this version, we set out to fully redesign the app optimizing it for iOS8 and take advantage of the new larger iPhones. We not only enhanced the aesthetics, but also added more features than any previous version of the app. The app received it’s high app review ratings, and was successful in increasing traffic and return rate. The CNET 3.0 app was featured in iTunes under “Best New apps” , and categorically in “Best News Apps” at the time it was launched.
CNET 3.0 App – App icon & home screen.
Home Page - Users can tap between Featured and Latest content with segmented controls. The nav will move out of the way as you scroll down to give the full page attention to the content.
Tapping the navigation icon on the home page blurs and darkens the screen while the nav cascades down revealing the categories. The right image shows a category tapped.
A subtle parallax effect occurs as a user scrolls up and down the an article. As the user scrolls down the image blurs and darkens. The red nav on the top also moves out of the way allowing the user to see more of the article as they read down the page. If a user scrolls back up, the red nav re-appears allowing the user to comment, share or search.
UI states for our gallery pages.
CNET Review & User Review page.
Specs and shop page.
Author bio page – A user can tap "Show full bio" to see a more descriptive bio of a CNET editor. This functionality also reveals authors' social media accounts, should a user want to follow them. Swiping up towards the segmented controls, hides the author and gives the full attention the material that the editor has posted.
Share (proposal) – When a user taps the share icon, the background dims and blurs , while the share "card" slides up from the bottom of the app. The user can dismiss the card, which will slide it back down, or open their social media source of choice.
The CNET app is not only a great news source, but a powerful research tool as well. Search and filtering received an overhaul allowing users to find content quickly and easily. These tools empower users to research products or find specific content.
Product finder and barcode scanner.
Filtering page.
This version of our app featured a refreshed UI and experience. We were honored by Apple, to be featured under “Best New apps” in the app store, and categorically in “Best News Apps” upon our intial release.
CNET was also featured as a Best New App in the news category.